Friday, August 10, 2007

It is worth to happy or sad?

I get a post on Science Society as a Secretary today. Is it worth to be happy or sad? Happy, because of getting marks in Co-cu ; Sad, because I have to spend more time on my society. Which of it is more worth, either sad or happy?

STPM examinees have to spend more time at Co-cu to get a better CGPA for STPM ( Co-cu take part of 10% of STPM's CGPA whereas Academic take part of 90%) . I'm a guy who quiet active in societies and always spend a lot of time for that. I felt that, responsibility of a person is very important for doing something. So, I always spend a lot of time on my societies and sometimes, I will abunden my studies just to do something that other felt no needs for doing that.

And now, I am Science Club's Secretary, what was my feels? I felt that I'm quite worry for that because my English is not good, it is very bad and even is the worst in my class. English is quite important in Science Club as most of it need English to communicate or writing the reports. Further more, I still have to ready some letters just to apply for some activities. It will take a lot of times of me. Is the remaining times sufficient for my studies and relaxes? I doubt for that. Another little question is.. most of the letter or report have to be printed, I didn't own a printer, am I need to buy for just for the society? I'm worry for my pocket money..>< haha.. I don't think I will do that. . That' all about my worries.

Should I happy for that? I think yes, but due to my worries, I don't think it will be quite happy.. haha.. This is my second times to be a secretary. I have been a vice secretary when I was form 4. But, I have just did a little thing because my heads all so lazy.. seldom created the activities and we had a very little numbers of members.. It's quite hard to form some activities.. I predict that there may be the same situation happen on this two year. >< But hopefully not to be. .

1 comment:

Haw Jiun said...

Vincent, it is worth to be happy and believe in yourself. I know you can do it.You know more about society compare to me.I know you can handle it.Just try your best.