Thursday, October 06, 2005
i will be work since this saturday (8/10). i'm first time to work. will this job make me to be more mature? will this job bring me a lot of experience , memories , or some knowledge? erm.. whatever yes or no, let's wait and see..
Friday, September 30, 2005
今天是我最快樂的一天. 我終於解決了一個長久以來都困擾著我的東西.我真的很高興,但是我又不會怎樣表達出來.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
二零零一年九月十一號 , 美國世貿中心被恐怖份子襲擊..
攻擊了伊拉克.. 戰爭又喪失了很多人的生命..
幾年前.. 爆發了禽流感和SARS 病毒..
上個月.. 我國也面臨了煙霾..
禽流感和SARS 病毒的到來..
每一個男人的背後總有一個女人一樣嘛 !
攻擊了伊拉克.. 戰爭又喪失了很多人的生命..
幾年前.. 爆發了禽流感和SARS 病毒..
上個月.. 我國也面臨了煙霾..
禽流感和SARS 病毒的到來..
每一個男人的背後總有一個女人一樣嘛 !
Sunday, September 04, 2005
< 人 - 萬物之靈 - 第一篇 >
爾大多數的人類呢? 確是破壞王..
但他們呢? 他們侵犯了動物的世界!!
爾大多數的人類呢? 確是破壞王..
但他們呢? 他們侵犯了動物的世界!!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Begin by The First Step
Start from now, This Blog Title will changed from "Vincent's Life" to "Maybe".
It insist that it is a new beginning for me..
Start from now, This Blog Title will changed from "Vincent's Life" to "Maybe".
It insist that it is a new beginning for me..
Friday, August 26, 2005
这时候忽然狂风大作,电闪雷鸣。窗户被狂风拍打的左右摇曳,玻璃的碎裂声让人更加心惊肉跳,突然所有的灯全灭了,整个屋子一片漆黑。闪电中,只见他女朋友穿着染满鲜血的睡衣,眼睛里滴着血,满脸狰狞的 指着他厉声道: “ 你知道为什么洗不掉血迹吗?” 他被吓呆了一句话说不出女朋友继续道:“因为你没有用雕牌洗衣粉,笨蛋。”
夜已经很深了,一位出租车司机决定再拉一位乘客就回家,可是路上已 经没多少人了。 司机没有目的的开着,发现前面一个白影晃动,在向他招手,本来宁静的 夜一下子有 了人反倒不自然了,而且,这样的情况不得不让人想起了一种,人不想想起的东西,那就是鬼!
在一个偏僻的村庄,一条羊肠小道上有一根笔直的电线杆,说也奇怪, 常常有人在那出事。
有一天他们在逛街的时候遇到了上帝!他们对上帝说,他们都死得很惨, 希望让他们上天堂!上帝很无奈地说,现在天堂的住户太多,已经爆满。但现 在还有一个名额!你们说吧,看谁死得最惨,就让谁上天堂!
于是,第一个鬼开始说了:我生前是一个清洁工。工作很辛苦的!从早忙到晚! 有一天,我正在一栋大厦外面擦玻璃!是那种吊在外面的高空危险工作!在第30多楼!突然,我脚一滑,失足掉下去了!我想,完了!要死了! 但求生本能让我在无意识地乱抓!很幸运地,我抓住了一个阳台的栏杆,在13楼。我想,有救了!于是想等缓过劲后爬上去! 哪知,突然有人把我的手一揎,我又掉下去了!我想,这下我真的完了!但是,我命不该决,底下有一个帐篷接住了我,我庆幸前世肯定积了德! 想等缓过劲就下去。谁知,上面掉下来一个冰箱,把我砸死了!
第二个鬼说:我生前是一个文员。什么都还好,我有一个老婆,很漂亮。身材很棒!但就是有点水性扬花。我有轻微的心脏病。有一天上班忘了带药,我回家去拿 。一进门, 看见老婆头发散乱、衣衫不整。肯定有奸夫。于是我满屋找,厨房也找,厕所也找,都没找到。到了阳台,我发现有两只手扒在 栏杆上,我想:奸夫!于是把他的手一揎。心想,13楼!看摔不死你!结果等我一看,居然没死!被帐篷接住了!我着急,于是满屋找,进了厨房,发现冰箱够大,于是把冰箱扔下去。终于把他砸死了!我当时太高兴了!大笑不止。谁知笑得心肌埂塞,笑死了!
楚阳向去农村串门儿,在和亲戚们聊天时,亲戚告诉他,这里的厕所有鬼,不过,你不接 受鬼的东西,鬼就不会伤害你。可能是水土不服的原因,到了晚上,楚阳向的肚子痛得要命。实在没办法,楚阳向只好怀着恐惧的心理,硬着头皮去了厕所。楚阳向刚蹲下,便听到鬼的声音:
以前打电话,号码不像现在用按的,是用手指插进一个有洞的圆盘用拨的。话说从前从前. 小明家的电话号码是444—4444,常常有奇怪的电话打进来.
某天午夜12点的时候,电话响了,小明拿起话筒。电话那头用凄惨的声音说:「请问这里是444—4444吗?可不可以帮我 打119报警?我好惨啊!.」
只能打到444—4444? 难道是鬼?!
二位男子在万圣节化妆舞会后走路回家. 当他们经过一个墓园时, 一时兴起要穿过此墓园. 当他们走到一半时便被一声声叩-叩-叩的声音给吓住了. 这声音是从某个阴暗处传出他们被吓得浑身发抖, 接着他们发现有位老年人手执凿子正在凿一块墓碑.
其中一位男子便说:"我的天啊.先生,我们以为你是鬼耶, 这么晚了,你在这做什么啊?"
在一个漆黑的夜里,一个人赶夜路,途经一片坟地。微风吹过,周围声音簌簌,直叫人汗毛倒竖,头皮发乍。就在这时,他忽然发现远处有一点红色的火光时隐时现。 他首先想到的就是“鬼火”。于是,他战战兢兢地拣起一块石头,朝亮光扔去。只见那火 光飘飘悠悠地飞到了另一个坟头的后面。他更害怕了,又拣起一块石头朝火光扔了过去,只见那亮光又向另一个 坟头飞去。此时,他已经接近崩溃了。于是,又拣起了一块石头朝亮光扔去。这时,只听 坟头后面传来了声音:“妈的,谁呀?拉泡屎都不让人拉痛快喽。一袋烟功夫砍了我三次 。”
等他病好了以後,他回去计程车行工作,结果他的同事对他说:「你真不够意思,有一个 漂亮的小姐过来投诉说她上次要坐你的车,结果她才刚把洋娃娃丢进去,你就 把车门关起来开走了。
这时候忽然狂风大作,电闪雷鸣。窗户被狂风拍打的左右摇曳,玻璃的碎裂声让人更加心惊肉跳,突然所有的灯全灭了,整个屋子一片漆黑。闪电中,只见他女朋友穿着染满鲜血的睡衣,眼睛里滴着血,满脸狰狞的 指着他厉声道: “ 你知道为什么洗不掉血迹吗?” 他被吓呆了一句话说不出女朋友继续道:“因为你没有用雕牌洗衣粉,笨蛋。”
夜已经很深了,一位出租车司机决定再拉一位乘客就回家,可是路上已 经没多少人了。 司机没有目的的开着,发现前面一个白影晃动,在向他招手,本来宁静的 夜一下子有 了人反倒不自然了,而且,这样的情况不得不让人想起了一种,人不想想起的东西,那就是鬼!
在一个偏僻的村庄,一条羊肠小道上有一根笔直的电线杆,说也奇怪, 常常有人在那出事。
有一天他们在逛街的时候遇到了上帝!他们对上帝说,他们都死得很惨, 希望让他们上天堂!上帝很无奈地说,现在天堂的住户太多,已经爆满。但现 在还有一个名额!你们说吧,看谁死得最惨,就让谁上天堂!
于是,第一个鬼开始说了:我生前是一个清洁工。工作很辛苦的!从早忙到晚! 有一天,我正在一栋大厦外面擦玻璃!是那种吊在外面的高空危险工作!在第30多楼!突然,我脚一滑,失足掉下去了!我想,完了!要死了! 但求生本能让我在无意识地乱抓!很幸运地,我抓住了一个阳台的栏杆,在13楼。我想,有救了!于是想等缓过劲后爬上去! 哪知,突然有人把我的手一揎,我又掉下去了!我想,这下我真的完了!但是,我命不该决,底下有一个帐篷接住了我,我庆幸前世肯定积了德! 想等缓过劲就下去。谁知,上面掉下来一个冰箱,把我砸死了!
第二个鬼说:我生前是一个文员。什么都还好,我有一个老婆,很漂亮。身材很棒!但就是有点水性扬花。我有轻微的心脏病。有一天上班忘了带药,我回家去拿 。一进门, 看见老婆头发散乱、衣衫不整。肯定有奸夫。于是我满屋找,厨房也找,厕所也找,都没找到。到了阳台,我发现有两只手扒在 栏杆上,我想:奸夫!于是把他的手一揎。心想,13楼!看摔不死你!结果等我一看,居然没死!被帐篷接住了!我着急,于是满屋找,进了厨房,发现冰箱够大,于是把冰箱扔下去。终于把他砸死了!我当时太高兴了!大笑不止。谁知笑得心肌埂塞,笑死了!
楚阳向去农村串门儿,在和亲戚们聊天时,亲戚告诉他,这里的厕所有鬼,不过,你不接 受鬼的东西,鬼就不会伤害你。可能是水土不服的原因,到了晚上,楚阳向的肚子痛得要命。实在没办法,楚阳向只好怀着恐惧的心理,硬着头皮去了厕所。楚阳向刚蹲下,便听到鬼的声音:
以前打电话,号码不像现在用按的,是用手指插进一个有洞的圆盘用拨的。话说从前从前. 小明家的电话号码是444—4444,常常有奇怪的电话打进来.
某天午夜12点的时候,电话响了,小明拿起话筒。电话那头用凄惨的声音说:「请问这里是444—4444吗?可不可以帮我 打119报警?我好惨啊!.」
只能打到444—4444? 难道是鬼?!
二位男子在万圣节化妆舞会后走路回家. 当他们经过一个墓园时, 一时兴起要穿过此墓园. 当他们走到一半时便被一声声叩-叩-叩的声音给吓住了. 这声音是从某个阴暗处传出他们被吓得浑身发抖, 接着他们发现有位老年人手执凿子正在凿一块墓碑.
其中一位男子便说:"我的天啊.先生,我们以为你是鬼耶, 这么晚了,你在这做什么啊?"
在一个漆黑的夜里,一个人赶夜路,途经一片坟地。微风吹过,周围声音簌簌,直叫人汗毛倒竖,头皮发乍。就在这时,他忽然发现远处有一点红色的火光时隐时现。 他首先想到的就是“鬼火”。于是,他战战兢兢地拣起一块石头,朝亮光扔去。只见那火 光飘飘悠悠地飞到了另一个坟头的后面。他更害怕了,又拣起一块石头朝火光扔了过去,只见那亮光又向另一个 坟头飞去。此时,他已经接近崩溃了。于是,又拣起了一块石头朝亮光扔去。这时,只听 坟头后面传来了声音:“妈的,谁呀?拉泡屎都不让人拉痛快喽。一袋烟功夫砍了我三次 。”
等他病好了以後,他回去计程车行工作,结果他的同事对他说:「你真不够意思,有一个 漂亮的小姐过来投诉说她上次要坐你的车,结果她才刚把洋娃娃丢进去,你就 把车门关起来开走了。
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Luckily.. i know you..
I was so lucky.. because i know you..
since we know each other when Form 1..
we are best friend for each other..
Maybe is the cause of different class..
Form 2 & Form 3 we are like when we are still Form 1..
But luckily this year..
You didn't leave me alone..
When i was in agony..
When i was in trouble..
You are still beside me..
Hear what i say..
And give me so suggestion..
And help me to settle these stress..
I was so lucky..
Thank you..
I was so lucky.. because i know you..
We just met each other one time..
Or maybe we never see each other ..
You never hust up anything from me..
So as me..
We share our happiness & sadness..
try to give suggestion to settle each problems..
Without you..
I will alone..
I was so lucky..
Thank you..
I was so lucky.. because i know you..
We know each other when we are Form 2..
And quite friend when we are Form 2..
But in Form 3..
You were study at afternoon class..
And i was study at morning class..
Because of you..
I stay back at school..
And because of I stay back of school..
I know a lot of friends..
But this year..
Some problem appear between you & me
Whatever what you have done..
Thank you for bringing me some sweet memory before..
I was so luky..
Thank you..
since we know each other when Form 1..
we are best friend for each other..
Maybe is the cause of different class..
Form 2 & Form 3 we are like when we are still Form 1..
But luckily this year..
You didn't leave me alone..
When i was in agony..
When i was in trouble..
You are still beside me..
Hear what i say..
And give me so suggestion..
And help me to settle these stress..
I was so lucky..
Thank you..
I was so lucky.. because i know you..
We just met each other one time..
Or maybe we never see each other ..
You never hust up anything from me..
So as me..
We share our happiness & sadness..
try to give suggestion to settle each problems..
Without you..
I will alone..
I was so lucky..
Thank you..
I was so lucky.. because i know you..
We know each other when we are Form 2..
And quite friend when we are Form 2..
But in Form 3..
You were study at afternoon class..
And i was study at morning class..
Because of you..
I stay back at school..
And because of I stay back of school..
I know a lot of friends..
But this year..
Some problem appear between you & me
Whatever what you have done..
Thank you for bringing me some sweet memory before..
I was so luky..
Thank you..
Friday, August 05, 2005
today.. can describe as meaningless day also..
morning.. go to school as usual..
afternoon... go to c2 then until evening back home.. then.. settle class's blog until 10.00++ then eat siu ye then .. erm.. i think is watch tv + sleeping gua.. ^^
morning.. go to school as usual..
afternoon... go to c2 then until evening back home.. then.. settle class's blog until 10.00++ then eat siu ye then .. erm.. i think is watch tv + sleeping gua.. ^^
Thursday, August 04, 2005
pembedahan katak
wu.. this is the first time i bedah frog.. & also any animal.. it was a great experience..
at the begining, i not so dare to open it's perut .. but after that.. i don't know what cause me become so brave to touch this touch that.. ge this ge that.. and finally finish all.. erm.. that was just something not so nice.. that's time.. cause it's just 2 lesson for pembedahan katak sigh.. wish next time can bedah again.. hehe.. here some picture.. erm.. later i baru post lar.. cause i haven upload all into flick.. hehe..
at the begining, i not so dare to open it's perut .. but after that.. i don't know what cause me become so brave to touch this touch that.. ge this ge that.. and finally finish all.. erm.. that was just something not so nice.. that's time.. cause it's just 2 lesson for pembedahan katak sigh.. wish next time can bedah again.. hehe.. here some picture.. erm.. later i baru post lar.. cause i haven upload all into flick.. hehe..
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Meaningless life
sigh.. today i felt very meaningless.. i go to school.. until i went home.. i don't know what was i done.. let's remind it now..
first&second period.. copy maths note..
3rd and 4th period.. copy literature exercise..
recess time.. don't know and forget what i done.. if no mistaken i just stay at p.p room for a moment and canteen two place only..
6th,7th.. don't know what i done.. erm.. yea.. i dicuss MT with my friends..
8th period.. study MT.. didn't have anything special happened..
9th,10th, study KIMIA, erm.. but actually noy study.. i'm just talking with my friend, May Chee.. hehe.. and only know got many homework need to copy^^
after school.. go for eat.. and then go to c2 wasting time and money.. sigh.. i don't want go there liao.. not good one.. i better spend my time to sleep.. -.- i want keep my money for next gathering .. hehe
i went home.. and switch on computer.. and try to do MT project.. then.. failed.. don't know those english is refer to what.. -.- so i use my hand to do myself.. -.-
after finish then watch tv.. and then online wait people chat..but.. no people chat with me one.. so sien.. then phone come.. talk to sun hua.. then back to computer ..see yan teng online.. then chat... erm..then do what? i also don't know want to do what..
i think later i need to do an essay to pass up to sun hua tommorrow and then do KIMIA eksperiment.. so sien.. nothing special one de.. everytime also think for sad thing.. sigh.. nothing special can smile and laugh liao.. erm.. memory still is the best thing for me.. sigh.. but all also is old memory.. need to refill some liao la.. haha.. usually every sad thing finish liao.. then the happy thing will fast fast come out de wo.. hehe.. wish the happy thing fast fast come to me lar... lai lai lai.. wo zai deng zhe ni o.. ^^
first&second period.. copy maths note..
3rd and 4th period.. copy literature exercise..
recess time.. don't know and forget what i done.. if no mistaken i just stay at p.p room for a moment and canteen two place only..
6th,7th.. don't know what i done.. erm.. yea.. i dicuss MT with my friends..
8th period.. study MT.. didn't have anything special happened..
9th,10th, study KIMIA, erm.. but actually noy study.. i'm just talking with my friend, May Chee.. hehe.. and only know got many homework need to copy^^
after school.. go for eat.. and then go to c2 wasting time and money.. sigh.. i don't want go there liao.. not good one.. i better spend my time to sleep.. -.- i want keep my money for next gathering .. hehe
i went home.. and switch on computer.. and try to do MT project.. then.. failed.. don't know those english is refer to what.. -.- so i use my hand to do myself.. -.-
after finish then watch tv.. and then online wait people chat..but.. no people chat with me one.. so sien.. then phone come.. talk to sun hua.. then back to computer ..see yan teng online.. then chat... erm..then do what? i also don't know want to do what..
i think later i need to do an essay to pass up to sun hua tommorrow and then do KIMIA eksperiment.. so sien.. nothing special one de.. everytime also think for sad thing.. sigh.. nothing special can smile and laugh liao.. erm.. memory still is the best thing for me.. sigh.. but all also is old memory.. need to refill some liao la.. haha.. usually every sad thing finish liao.. then the happy thing will fast fast come out de wo.. hehe.. wish the happy thing fast fast come to me lar... lai lai lai.. wo zai deng zhe ni o.. ^^
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Shouldn't I?
erm.. shouldn't i continue blog? seldom online.. even online also seldom msn.. at school seldom havething happen.. suft net also don't know suft what.. nothing can post.. so pity.. erm..this all is 'fei hua'..forget it.. .. .. .. .. ..
erm.. this is the true.. nothing special happened on me recently.. my mind always 'sot' with something.. i don't know how to decribe it..
on msn..
nothing can talk..
nobody can talk..
online = offline
those intimate friends 'appear offline'
on society..
busy? free? i also don't know either i'm busy or free.. having P.P Farewell Party today.. i'm take part in game station and 'persembahan'..i felt that i'm damm a loser.. i did very bad today.. i felt sad on that.. cause i'm not full taking part on it and i hard to contact with those member and based on some problems that i don't know how to say..
K.Kewangan + SPBT's Farewell party will be held soon.. i wish that that will be more sucessful than this time Farewell party..but.. can i do that? will other cooperate with me? i doubt about it.. but.. i should say.. i sure can do that..
on academy..
examination have just passing..i don't know either i can handle it or not? i felt that most of it i'm just trying my lucky only..cause i am not have many time to spend on revisionand study and some problems have make me felt confuse.. and on the way.. i knew that i was sick.. i felt that it is a seriuos 'penyakit' for me.. cause it nearly make me to felt to suicide.. but luckily i have try to selttle it.. and now i felt was a physchology penyakit..
on friendship..
i fell into agony of friendship making.. i have break some of my friendship.. because of some reason.. i have triedto settle it.. but.. i failed.. everything have positive and negative ways.. maybe this broken friendship will make us have a better life for future? who know it?(i'm trying to stay clam by myself) other than that, many of my friendship started having problems now( it's time and a chance to upgrade our friendship, to make it become better and better!) i need to do some 'jian tao' need to know more about me..if you knew any bad thing about me.. just tell me.. i wont angry one.. and i will accept it..
on net world..
i felt alone.. so i try to play games to find more friends.. i play mabilogy recently.. well.. maybe it is a boring game for many person.. but i'm still enjoying it.. this game haven start yet in Malaysia.. but is a new game for Taiwan and was a old game for Korean..
on real world..
sometimes i felt a bit 'wai' when eating meat.. i don't know why i start feelling eating meat is a 'zui e' . after i went to the buddhist camp.. i start scare to eat meat.. but.. what can i do? i already eat meat for a very long time.. so what to do? ijust can change it step by step.. wish god can forgive me..
on religion..
i felt confuse.. i don't know which god should i belong to.. sometimes i belive jesus.. sometimes i belive buddha.. sometime i didn't believe any god.. etc.. ooh my god.. who are you? (sorry if i touch any sensitive issue)
on family..
enjoying family life.. i felt i'm very lucky on this world!!!
on interest..
i start interest on biology recently.. don't know why.. i felt it was so mysterious.. i wish to find out the reason of it..
on country..
i start like korean recently.. because of a movie called "dai cheong gam" . after watching this movie.. i start like this country.. it's view is very nice.. history so cool.. but i can analysis the reason why i like it.. because it's history is quite same with chinese.. hehe.. otherwise, it's history is so interest too..
on music..
i start know a singer from korean , Boa. She is my god's sister's idol.. but i still not clear about her..other than that.. i also seldom hear songs and music recently..
on time..
i'm short of time now.. i need more time to rest, to analysis my thing,to finish my homework,to enjoy life with friends, to read and buy those book that i wish to read (interested book).. time is money.. should i waste it easily?
now.. it's time to go to watch "dai cheong gam".. so i have to stop here.. but i still have a little problems.. should i continuse posting my lifestyle since i'm short of time now? or stop posting for a moment and just post when i'm free..But.. if i have to post.. what should i post? i have nothing much can share with other.. the main reason is my memory become worser.. can't remember too many thing.. i'm sorry.. my friends..
erm.. this is the true.. nothing special happened on me recently.. my mind always 'sot' with something.. i don't know how to decribe it..
on msn..
nothing can talk..
nobody can talk..
online = offline
those intimate friends 'appear offline'
on society..
busy? free? i also don't know either i'm busy or free.. having P.P Farewell Party today.. i'm take part in game station and 'persembahan'..i felt that i'm damm a loser.. i did very bad today.. i felt sad on that.. cause i'm not full taking part on it and i hard to contact with those member and based on some problems that i don't know how to say..
K.Kewangan + SPBT's Farewell party will be held soon.. i wish that that will be more sucessful than this time Farewell party..but.. can i do that? will other cooperate with me? i doubt about it.. but.. i should say.. i sure can do that..
on academy..
examination have just passing..i don't know either i can handle it or not? i felt that most of it i'm just trying my lucky only..cause i am not have many time to spend on revisionand study and some problems have make me felt confuse.. and on the way.. i knew that i was sick.. i felt that it is a seriuos 'penyakit' for me.. cause it nearly make me to felt to suicide.. but luckily i have try to selttle it.. and now i felt was a physchology penyakit..
on friendship..
i fell into agony of friendship making.. i have break some of my friendship.. because of some reason.. i have triedto settle it.. but.. i failed.. everything have positive and negative ways.. maybe this broken friendship will make us have a better life for future? who know it?(i'm trying to stay clam by myself) other than that, many of my friendship started having problems now( it's time and a chance to upgrade our friendship, to make it become better and better!) i need to do some 'jian tao' need to know more about me..if you knew any bad thing about me.. just tell me.. i wont angry one.. and i will accept it..
on net world..
i felt alone.. so i try to play games to find more friends.. i play mabilogy recently.. well.. maybe it is a boring game for many person.. but i'm still enjoying it.. this game haven start yet in Malaysia.. but is a new game for Taiwan and was a old game for Korean..
on real world..
sometimes i felt a bit 'wai' when eating meat.. i don't know why i start feelling eating meat is a 'zui e' . after i went to the buddhist camp.. i start scare to eat meat.. but.. what can i do? i already eat meat for a very long time.. so what to do? ijust can change it step by step.. wish god can forgive me..
on religion..
i felt confuse.. i don't know which god should i belong to.. sometimes i belive jesus.. sometimes i belive buddha.. sometime i didn't believe any god.. etc.. ooh my god.. who are you? (sorry if i touch any sensitive issue)
on family..
enjoying family life.. i felt i'm very lucky on this world!!!
on interest..
i start interest on biology recently.. don't know why.. i felt it was so mysterious.. i wish to find out the reason of it..
on country..
i start like korean recently.. because of a movie called "dai cheong gam" . after watching this movie.. i start like this country.. it's view is very nice.. history so cool.. but i can analysis the reason why i like it.. because it's history is quite same with chinese.. hehe.. otherwise, it's history is so interest too..
on music..
i start know a singer from korean , Boa. She is my god's sister's idol.. but i still not clear about her..other than that.. i also seldom hear songs and music recently..
on time..
i'm short of time now.. i need more time to rest, to analysis my thing,to finish my homework,to enjoy life with friends, to read and buy those book that i wish to read (interested book).. time is money.. should i waste it easily?
now.. it's time to go to watch "dai cheong gam".. so i have to stop here.. but i still have a little problems.. should i continuse posting my lifestyle since i'm short of time now? or stop posting for a moment and just post when i'm free..But.. if i have to post.. what should i post? i have nothing much can share with other.. the main reason is my memory become worser.. can't remember too many thing.. i'm sorry.. my friends..
Saturday, July 16, 2005
need a rest time..
long time didn't online and blog liao.I don't know what should i blog to.So, let share something with you all..
i'm quite busy recently.. i think i will busy until 20/08/2005, then i will have rest for a long, i'm busy with my society things..but not my academy things.. i have to finish up sidang's messages before next week and pass up next week..i also need to in charge in P.P's MP and K.K+SPBT's MP.. so, i will quite busy recently.. and i didn't have enough time to sleep and study or do my rivision.. In other's mind, maybe no do rivision will make result become worse is not so good, but for me, result getting bad is a good thing, cause somebody say me chuan cause the exam result..and my result getting bad maybe wil make one or more of my friendship's problems be settle.. wish what i think is correct lar..
i always put my society at the first place, so i always do my society's thing before do homework and rivision, and now.. i think i also no do rivision for 1 or more year liao lor.. cause except society thing, i still have something to settle.. and it will always make me stay in agony.. so now other than soiety thing, i still need to settle those thing..erm.. gtg..add on next time lor..^^
i'm quite busy recently.. i think i will busy until 20/08/2005, then i will have rest for a long, i'm busy with my society things..but not my academy things.. i have to finish up sidang's messages before next week and pass up next week..i also need to in charge in P.P's MP and K.K+SPBT's MP.. so, i will quite busy recently.. and i didn't have enough time to sleep and study or do my rivision.. In other's mind, maybe no do rivision will make result become worse is not so good, but for me, result getting bad is a good thing, cause somebody say me chuan cause the exam result..and my result getting bad maybe wil make one or more of my friendship's problems be settle.. wish what i think is correct lar..
i always put my society at the first place, so i always do my society's thing before do homework and rivision, and now.. i think i also no do rivision for 1 or more year liao lor.. cause except society thing, i still have something to settle.. and it will always make me stay in agony.. so now other than soiety thing, i still need to settle those thing..erm.. gtg..add on next time lor..^^
Sunday, July 03, 2005
July.. Busy soon..
i will be busy soon.. not only for society.. but acedemy too.. i don't wanna go out play liao.. i think i better spend my time on my study.. and my society..
now.. i have to busy with sidang,leadcamp,'chang shi bi sai',and kewangan de thing.. after settle all.. i will go and settle my academy problem.. find people go out discuss our academy problem.. and find teacher for help.. but.. can i find someone to accompany me? i doubt about it.. cause many people will busy with their society soon..
sigh.. wish faster settle all and back to the normal life.. god bless you all..
now.. i have to busy with sidang,leadcamp,'chang shi bi sai',and kewangan de thing.. after settle all.. i will go and settle my academy problem.. find people go out discuss our academy problem.. and find teacher for help.. but.. can i find someone to accompany me? i doubt about it.. cause many people will busy with their society soon..
sigh.. wish faster settle all and back to the normal life.. god bless you all..
Saturday, July 02, 2005
3 Days Later..
3 Days later my sister will bring the new computer back home.And this old computer will give to her friend.So i just left 3 days with it.After that need to say byebye to the computer.This Computer spend around 4 or 5 years with me.Erm, so miss it.So i have to back up all the thing that i have in this computer. Poor man.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Busy? or Free?
Today, i'm quite busy, especially after school.In the morning, i'm busy for finding teacher and some students who haven pass up their message to us. After that i have a little meeting for AJK Penyelengaraan Class/Pusat ( i'm AJK Penyelengaraan for class ).They inform us that we will have AGM today.But i have 5 to go after school. So i think i wont go there after school.
When i went back to the classroom, I let My moral teacher, Pn Tan scold me again. She always scold me that i always ponteng her class.Now i already seldom go out duty.But maybe is because in the begin of this year i always go out for duty SPBT and P.P so that let her have a image that i always ponteng class one.After that, we go for Kimia PEKA. It is quite nice, i like to do eksperimen.My group was done two of the eksperimen.But one of the 'set elektrolisis' have broke, the Kuprum (II) Sulfat ran out. But luckily is because the Karbon 'not ketat'.It is ok, we done well.^^
After that, I went to canteen fast fast eat one sandwich and go find teacher again.Teacher ask me to give back the message to the best sportman/spotwomen in our school.Then i go find them.But, too bad, i can't found them.I pass it to their classmate to sent it to them.Monday have to pass up all the thing that we done to teacher.So must finish it ASAP.
Then is English lesson, teacher wasn't feel well and she let us to do our own work.She gave the answer of the literature to monitor to ask him copy to whiteboard to let us check/copy.Finally is Fizik PEKA.We finish it nicely but we found that we have some mistake on it.We can't found out m1v1=m2v2 , 0=0 . I let teacher see our result.She say we done correctly.Then we just copy it to our PEKA paper and change a bit.
After school, I can say a bit busy.Actually i have 5 ways to go.That is :-
-Go watch SHOW TIME
-Finish Sidang thing
-Persatuan Buddha (camp)
-Science Society
-AGM P.Penyelengaraan
But what i choosed is finish Sidang thing.After Finish school, i went to Sidang's Room to finish some of my message,then Fei Wen found me.We found the other who haven pass up their message again but sadly, we just found some of it.Some have went home.I went to= SHOW TIME too.But i was different with other one.Other go there watch, i go there find people.(--)waste RM8 just went in a while and find people.
When i went to P.B.Cina's Room to look for someone, Yan Teng told me Karen Yong was finding me and i was become a 'chou wei' of 'chang shi bi sai'.Then she bring me to class 4E1, they are having meeting there.Wah, i found that i also is a 'chou wei' of Lead Camp, we have to do manything is the week that coming soon because the LeadCamp will helding next saturday.
After finish the meeting, i went to find teacher again.I wait teacher until 2.45 then baru can go eat my lunch.And then, i have to cancel my date today ( went to watch movie ) and tommorrow date ( go Sunway Pyramid ) for doing something for my society.After that we having a little meeting in Canteen and then baru can go home.But before went home, i go for have a little meeting with Fei Wen too (sidang) then i baru can went home.
I went home around 4.30p.m and sleep until 8.00++ then i baru bath eat dinner.After that i sit in front of the computer and started my work.
I done all until 12.15++ and my father ask me go sleep.Then i shut down the computer and go to the living room to done my other work.I analysis all my work and all my problem/ question and do the design for the LeadCamp then i went to sleep around 2.30a.m .
When i went back to the classroom, I let My moral teacher, Pn Tan scold me again. She always scold me that i always ponteng her class.Now i already seldom go out duty.But maybe is because in the begin of this year i always go out for duty SPBT and P.P so that let her have a image that i always ponteng class one.After that, we go for Kimia PEKA. It is quite nice, i like to do eksperimen.My group was done two of the eksperimen.But one of the 'set elektrolisis' have broke, the Kuprum (II) Sulfat ran out. But luckily is because the Karbon 'not ketat'.It is ok, we done well.^^
After that, I went to canteen fast fast eat one sandwich and go find teacher again.Teacher ask me to give back the message to the best sportman/spotwomen in our school.Then i go find them.But, too bad, i can't found them.I pass it to their classmate to sent it to them.Monday have to pass up all the thing that we done to teacher.So must finish it ASAP.
Then is English lesson, teacher wasn't feel well and she let us to do our own work.She gave the answer of the literature to monitor to ask him copy to whiteboard to let us check/copy.Finally is Fizik PEKA.We finish it nicely but we found that we have some mistake on it.We can't found out m1v1=m2v2 , 0=0 . I let teacher see our result.She say we done correctly.Then we just copy it to our PEKA paper and change a bit.
After school, I can say a bit busy.Actually i have 5 ways to go.That is :-
-Go watch SHOW TIME
-Finish Sidang thing
-Persatuan Buddha (camp)
-Science Society
-AGM P.Penyelengaraan
But what i choosed is finish Sidang thing.After Finish school, i went to Sidang's Room to finish some of my message,then Fei Wen found me.We found the other who haven pass up their message again but sadly, we just found some of it.Some have went home.I went to= SHOW TIME too.But i was different with other one.Other go there watch, i go there find people.(--)waste RM8 just went in a while and find people.
When i went to P.B.Cina's Room to look for someone, Yan Teng told me Karen Yong was finding me and i was become a 'chou wei' of 'chang shi bi sai'.Then she bring me to class 4E1, they are having meeting there.Wah, i found that i also is a 'chou wei' of Lead Camp, we have to do manything is the week that coming soon because the LeadCamp will helding next saturday.
After finish the meeting, i went to find teacher again.I wait teacher until 2.45 then baru can go eat my lunch.And then, i have to cancel my date today ( went to watch movie ) and tommorrow date ( go Sunway Pyramid ) for doing something for my society.After that we having a little meeting in Canteen and then baru can go home.But before went home, i go for have a little meeting with Fei Wen too (sidang) then i baru can went home.
I went home around 4.30p.m and sleep until 8.00++ then i baru bath eat dinner.After that i sit in front of the computer and started my work.
I done all until 12.15++ and my father ask me go sleep.Then i shut down the computer and go to the living room to done my other work.I analysis all my work and all my problem/ question and do the design for the LeadCamp then i went to sleep around 2.30a.m .
Saturday, June 25, 2005
9 society..
wah.. today i went to school early.. i think around 8.00a.m. then after i arrive then i baru know what should i do.. yer.. so busuang.. cause i been tipu by that pengerusi to go there.. same as Fei Wen (setiausaha) then we start working.. to check those member.. and me leh.. i check for 3 society-P.B.Cina, SPBT, K.Kewangan. erm.. after finish then i see my class one de.. wah.. i got 9 society wo.. so suprise.. my name there also not enough place to write .. erm.. like that only lar.. lazy to type liao.. i want go see Dai Cheong Gam liao.. bye.. post more later la..
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Final Results..
Finally.. i get all my result.. except PJK.. don't know what are that teacher doing.. until now also haven give us the result..
hehe.. this time de examination i get quite nice de result.. i think is because of tips gua.. without tips.. i think my result will be very bad..
This are my results:-
4 1A, 3 2A, 3 3B,1 4B, 1 5C
erm.. i hate malay.. cause it's too bad ..:( must practise it later.. but sure not now^^ cause now need to practise hokkien ^^
tommorrow our school will held perlantikan LP,PP, and LPS.
sigh.. tommorrow sure be insult by friends again.. sob sob..
Friday need to go for kaunseling.. erm.. will my problem be settle?
hehe.. this time de examination i get quite nice de result.. i think is because of tips gua.. without tips.. i think my result will be very bad..
This are my results:-
4 1A, 3 2A, 3 3B,1 4B, 1 5C
erm.. i hate malay.. cause it's too bad ..:( must practise it later.. but sure not now^^ cause now need to practise hokkien ^^
tommorrow our school will held perlantikan LP,PP, and LPS.
sigh.. tommorrow sure be insult by friends again.. sob sob..
Friday need to go for kaunseling.. erm.. will my problem be settle?
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Weekends on June
Nothing Special happened.Everything is just like usual.Yesterday,I sleep until afternoon 1.00 then baru wake up,sit in front of computer and play games.Play until evening and watch tv until midnight.
Today, I woke up at 11.00a.m. Everything just like usual.Nothing special.I play computer games, study for my physchology,and play mahjong.I haven done my Fizik homework yet.Because of no mood.Many thing have come out into my mind after taking nap. And now, I'm still think about it, and wait for tommorrow. Every thing will be okie soon. Wish tommorrow will be better. God bless me and all of you.
Today, I woke up at 11.00a.m. Everything just like usual.Nothing special.I play computer games, study for my physchology,and play mahjong.I haven done my Fizik homework yet.Because of no mood.Many thing have come out into my mind after taking nap. And now, I'm still think about it, and wait for tommorrow. Every thing will be okie soon. Wish tommorrow will be better. God bless me and all of you.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
My result for my examination..
Finally i get 4 1A, 2 2A, and 3 3B. ^^
1A- Sejarah, Matematik, Matematik Tambahan and Computer.
2A- Fizik and Kimia
3B- Biology, Chinese and Moral
It's was a good results^^
1A- Sejarah, Matematik, Matematik Tambahan and Computer.
2A- Fizik and Kimia
3B- Biology, Chinese and Moral
It's was a good results^^
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Yeah! finally i join UBS / PRS. hehe but i join quite late. Maybe somebody will say that i don't join better than join because i wont get anything from it.But what i think is.. i join this society is because interest about it, not for other reason. So happy today^^.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
wau! My Flickr Boom
Wau! My Flickr file have Boom.. it say that i can't upload file liao.. Because i have used 100% space for this month.. wah.. that mean i need to wait for next month? erm..i think i can tahan gua^^
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Holiday is gone.
Finally Holiday is gone. Tommorrow our school will be reopen. Should i happy or sad?
Happy.. cause can meet my friend again....
Sad.... cause holiday have been finished..
Happy.. cause can meet my friend again....
Sad.... cause holiday have been finished..
Friday, June 10, 2005
somewhere call CHI CHEONG KAI
today,I waked up early and prepare for my brother and me de date.Around 12.00, my brother and I go to popular to buy some books.Below are those who i bought today.

When I still at POPULAR,i saw my friend, Pei Ru, who is study in my school,a from5 student.But I scare that i met wrong person, so that I just smile to her,and she smile to me too.Then I can comfirm that she is Pei Ru.But we didn't talk to each other,we just smile to each other then say bye and leave POPULAR.
After leave POPULAR, we go for a lunch.We scare to eat fastfood.Because I can say i ate fastfood everyday in this week.So,We go to somewhere who near POPULAR to take lunch.Erm,that food that I order isn't very delicious, but nothing an order already, so just eat it.
After having a lunch,we go foo a long shopping.We walk around all the CHI CHEONG KAI ,but didn't bought anything else.Cause we can't found what we need to buy.After that, we went to CENTERMARKET to take a look.On the way to CENTERMARKET, we met our friends(jia yi,yee von and lay ting).We talk a while and say bye to them and continue go to CENTERMARKET. And finally, we bought what we want at CENTERMARKET.I felt that the condition that my brother buy thing is very funny^^. I'm very sorry because I don't know how to decribe it.
After that we went home.I arrive house around 4.00p.m.I felt very boring and play computers games.After play computer games,I went to the pasar malam which will held on every friday.I think that i have around 2~3 years didn't go to my neighbourhood's Pasar Malam.Usually I will go to Other's places de Pasar Malam, just like cheras,kepong,puchong and others.
I ate all thing that i bought from Pasar Malam, it's very 'bao'.Then I lazy to do thing and sat before computer and chat.After all my friend offline ( i mean those who had chat with me ), i offline too.And then ate 'zhong zi', sat in front of tv until midnight.

When I still at POPULAR,i saw my friend, Pei Ru, who is study in my school,a from5 student.But I scare that i met wrong person, so that I just smile to her,and she smile to me too.Then I can comfirm that she is Pei Ru.But we didn't talk to each other,we just smile to each other then say bye and leave POPULAR.
After leave POPULAR, we go for a lunch.We scare to eat fastfood.Because I can say i ate fastfood everyday in this week.So,We go to somewhere who near POPULAR to take lunch.Erm,that food that I order isn't very delicious, but nothing an order already, so just eat it.
After having a lunch,we go foo a long shopping.We walk around all the CHI CHEONG KAI ,but didn't bought anything else.Cause we can't found what we need to buy.After that, we went to CENTERMARKET to take a look.On the way to CENTERMARKET, we met our friends(jia yi,yee von and lay ting).We talk a while and say bye to them and continue go to CENTERMARKET. And finally, we bought what we want at CENTERMARKET.I felt that the condition that my brother buy thing is very funny^^. I'm very sorry because I don't know how to decribe it.
After that we went home.I arrive house around 4.00p.m.I felt very boring and play computers games.After play computer games,I went to the pasar malam which will held on every friday.I think that i have around 2~3 years didn't go to my neighbourhood's Pasar Malam.Usually I will go to Other's places de Pasar Malam, just like cheras,kepong,puchong and others.
I ate all thing that i bought from Pasar Malam, it's very 'bao'.Then I lazy to do thing and sat before computer and chat.After all my friend offline ( i mean those who had chat with me ), i offline too.And then ate 'zhong zi', sat in front of tv until midnight.

Sunday, June 05, 2005
wah.. so long life..
wah..i will die at 76 years old..
You Will Die at Age 76 |
76 You're pretty average when it comes to how you live... And how you'll die as well. |
Sunday, March 27, 2005
my new mail..
well...i have just creat an new old yahoo mail have been suspend...i also don't know why..sigh...
this is all my mail..
this is all my mail..
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Today i wake up early and wait for my brother coming to my house.Around 11.00a.m,he arrive my house.And then jun seng call us,then we go find jun seng,and go to timesquare hang kai kai.we go to eat secret recipe.hehe..this time de secret recipe special delicious leh..cause...some reason...wah kakaka..don't want tell you all jek^^then we go hang kai kai...and finally...I STILL CAN'T FIND THE THING THAT I WANT TO BUY!!!why that thing that i want to buy go where also no de? there are still have place that i haven go search yet(Mdvalley) square...KLCC..etc..i also go find liao..also cannot find...gek sei o liao..but luckily i still can buy a present for one of my i still need two more present...1 boy and 1 girl present really very difficult leh..
erm..after we hang wan kai kai liao leh,then we go to jia wei them.then we go to play cheap only leh...cheaper than de...wah kakaka...i play 3 round only dai..
then me and da xiang go home first lor...cause da xiang don't want back so late..then da xiang and me take a leave and go home.after i go home,then i go to barber shop do some very very yong sui liao..^^..after business finish..then i go home again lar...and then my sister invite me go to hang kai kai again..then i mar go to hang kai kai again lor...erm..luckily walk liao 1 hour 30 minute got buy 1 clothes ..if not ..i really gantung diri leh...then after shopping then i go home again lor...and then my sister go out yam cha..i don't want go..cause i so tired liao..then i go home...sit at the chair...3 minute...and then...go to play computer liao^^ life so easy nia^^today is what i done..wah kakaka...
erm..after we hang wan kai kai liao leh,then we go to jia wei them.then we go to play cheap only leh...cheaper than de...wah kakaka...i play 3 round only dai..
then me and da xiang go home first lor...cause da xiang don't want back so late..then da xiang and me take a leave and go home.after i go home,then i go to barber shop do some very very yong sui liao..^^..after business finish..then i go home again lar...and then my sister invite me go to hang kai kai again..then i mar go to hang kai kai again lor...erm..luckily walk liao 1 hour 30 minute got buy 1 clothes ..if not ..i really gantung diri leh...then after shopping then i go home again lor...and then my sister go out yam cha..i don't want go..cause i so tired liao..then i go home...sit at the chair...3 minute...and then...go to play computer liao^^ life so easy nia^^today is what i done..wah kakaka...
Monday, March 14, 2005
My sister go to Pahang already...
Today,i wake up around 6.50a.m.then i wait for my family,my neighbour and my sister friends.
Around 7.45a.m,we go to Bukit Jalil by LRT Star Line.We arrive there around 8.30a.m then say goodbye to my sister..then around 10.00a.m, we go home.And now...i'm typing something in front of the computer...I think my sister is on the way to Pahang right wish all the best for my lovely sister when she at Pahang.
I love you,My sister.
Around 7.45a.m,we go to Bukit Jalil by LRT Star Line.We arrive there around 8.30a.m then say goodbye to my sister..then around 10.00a.m, we go home.And now...i'm typing something in front of the computer...I think my sister is on the way to Pahang right wish all the best for my lovely sister when she at Pahang.
I love you,My sister.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Harry Potter
any one of you know where can buy something that about harry potter ( at kl) ?
i wish to buy but don't know where to buy it...
tell me if you know where can buy it...thank you very much...
i wish to buy but don't know where to buy it...
tell me if you know where can buy it...thank you very much...
3 party helding at the same time...
Well,there are three party will held at the same time today.There are My friend,Cheng Ling Fan's birthday party,My Neighbour,Chun Li Chun's birthday party and My Sister,Lam Heng Yue's birthday+ leaving party.
Well,i wake up early around 8.30 and go to school around 10.50a.m.i wait Kimhui until 11.30a.m then i baru know kenyi haven come out yet.So,we decide to go to KLCC by ourselve by taxi.We arrive KLCC then terus go to KFC fastfood restaurant for lunch.Yao Hern and Kenyi are very 'geng' they found us at KFC with thier six sense.
After havinc a little lunch,we go for a little shopping and buying ticket for movie.We can't find any suitable present for LingFan and My friends.We decide to see the 'Robot'.Around 1.20p.m, we go for a little movie.After watch the 'Robot',we go and shopping for a long time.We found a beautiful car that maybe suitable for LingFan cause we don't know eiter he like car or not.So we go for shopping again,we go to bookshop.There are many books that i interest but we can't found any books that LingFan like.But..i buy a book..don't want tell you which book that i bought,hehe.I will only tell my brother and intimate friends.But anyway,we can't found any better present for him,so we decide to buy the car for him.We dislike the shopper's serve..I want to complain..but i forget what the shop's name already.After that,we go for shopping again..because i want to buy some present for my other friends.I can't found Harry Potter's thing that i want to present to one of my friends.So we decide to leave KLCC because some girls are waiting for us and maybe desa setapak got the thing that i wish to buy.When we arrive Desa Setapak,we can't found any Harry Potter's thing and many shops are closing.So I say goodbye to them and go home.
After reach home,then i call my sister.They are at 'singing K'.So i waiting them finish then come back and fetch me go.Then we having a little party with my neighbour and my sister.So here is two little party helding together.Around 11.30,i come back home and feel tired...i want to sleep..but i talk with my family and my neighbour until midnight 2.00++a.m then i baru go sleep.
Well,i wake up early around 8.30 and go to school around 10.50a.m.i wait Kimhui until 11.30a.m then i baru know kenyi haven come out yet.So,we decide to go to KLCC by ourselve by taxi.We arrive KLCC then terus go to KFC fastfood restaurant for lunch.Yao Hern and Kenyi are very 'geng' they found us at KFC with thier six sense.
After havinc a little lunch,we go for a little shopping and buying ticket for movie.We can't find any suitable present for LingFan and My friends.We decide to see the 'Robot'.Around 1.20p.m, we go for a little movie.After watch the 'Robot',we go and shopping for a long time.We found a beautiful car that maybe suitable for LingFan cause we don't know eiter he like car or not.So we go for shopping again,we go to bookshop.There are many books that i interest but we can't found any books that LingFan like.But..i buy a book..don't want tell you which book that i bought,hehe.I will only tell my brother and intimate friends.But anyway,we can't found any better present for him,so we decide to buy the car for him.We dislike the shopper's serve..I want to complain..but i forget what the shop's name already.After that,we go for shopping again..because i want to buy some present for my other friends.I can't found Harry Potter's thing that i want to present to one of my friends.So we decide to leave KLCC because some girls are waiting for us and maybe desa setapak got the thing that i wish to buy.When we arrive Desa Setapak,we can't found any Harry Potter's thing and many shops are closing.So I say goodbye to them and go home.
After reach home,then i call my sister.They are at 'singing K'.So i waiting them finish then come back and fetch me go.Then we having a little party with my neighbour and my sister.So here is two little party helding together.Around 11.30,i come back home and feel tired...i want to sleep..but i talk with my family and my neighbour until midnight 2.00++a.m then i baru go sleep.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Society Upgrade !!!
Yesterday i get a newest news...that is...about my society...
my society..SPBT have upgrade!!! now is Lembage already..mean..same standard with perfect,librarian,UBS and student union...hehe..good leh...^^
my society..SPBT have upgrade!!! now is Lembage already..mean..same standard with perfect,librarian,UBS and student union...hehe..good leh...^^
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Wau! to day so suang...exam 4 paper 3 don't know how to do...i started like MT liao..cause it got 'tiao zhan xing'...EST i so bu suang...5 words 4 word don't know the meaning...i think i cannot work aboard liao...sob i think i need to study English when the middle of year and the end of year...when holiday...and then when schoolday i want find MT question liao...lebih susah lebih suang...wah kakaka
Sunday, March 06, 2005
good...a nice day... me so geng...just a few hour...then so fast finish 5 subject....i mean do revision lar..i think ..erm..around 4 fast..firstly..i want to thank you A..cause he lend his place to let me to study..secondly..i would like to thank B and C cause didn't mind to study with me since i'm stupid...erm..i think monday + tuesday i can finish all subject...wah kakaka...really thank them^^...wish them will go at monday and tuesday lar^^...
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Went to Teacher's House
today i went to teacher's house.erm...i also don't know need to write what o...teacher house ar...this is my first time first time to go to teacher's house..
Erm...i think this year my lovely is helding something...just like RC,go to here go to there...everyday run here run there...hehe..i also don't know why o..erm..nothing liao lar..go to teacher's house is a new experience lar...tata^^.
Erm...i think this year my lovely is helding something...just like RC,go to here go to there...everyday run here run there...hehe..i also don't know why o..erm..nothing liao lar..go to teacher's house is a new experience lar...tata^^.
Monday, February 21, 2005
wow i baru know SRM got a room...and i found something inside it...
before this ...i think our school have many society de....but after i join SRM..i baru know our school is just have a little society only...but other school have more society than us...and have 2 society that i interest to join is 'he zuo she' and japanese language society.. this two society i want to join but our school didn't have this kind of society...
but i'm happy cause i still only know our school got a special society that other secondry school didn't have and i have joined it...that is student union^^
before this ...i think our school have many society de....but after i join SRM..i baru know our school is just have a little society only...but other school have more society than us...and have 2 society that i interest to join is 'he zuo she' and japanese language society.. this two society i want to join but our school didn't have this kind of society...
but i'm happy cause i still only know our school got a special society that other secondry school didn't have and i have joined it...that is student union^^
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
a Blog and a Majalah for my class
today..Ju Shua,Lei Wen and me decide to creat a blog/forum/etc and a majalah for our class..cause i think we don't have enough time to do it next year we all sure so busy Ju Shua is SRM de 'zhu pian' then he can know a lot of thing about making majalah...then he also can make a majalah for us too^^for more information ..i think need to tell you very later lor...
Paint and 'bao' Table In My Classroom i go to school around 7.45 am but there are already have 3 or 4 person arrive bedore me.we start take out those table from classroom .
then .....
aroung 12.00 we all done then go home..^^
so short leh...^^
then .....
aroung 12.00 we all done then go home..^^
so short leh...^^
No! No! No!
wah..16 years old liao lor..
but kena shoot everyway..all say why don't invite them to party...actually i also don't know why...go where also kena shoot...exspecially my jie jie..all scold me mou leong sum...cause no invite them to my party ...
i think most of my family member also scold me lar...cause i just invite some member of it (xiang only ~.~ ) pai sei...i mou mien see them liao..
wah..16 years old liao lor..
but kena shoot everyway..all say why don't invite them to party...actually i also don't know why...go where also kena shoot...exspecially my jie jie..all scold me mou leong sum...cause no invite them to my party ...
i think most of my family member also scold me lar...cause i just invite some member of it (xiang only ~.~ ) pai sei...i mou mien see them liao..
Monday, January 31, 2005
Clean up SPBT room
today..we clean up SPBT room,there are 11 people on duty but just have 10 people do thing,another 1 person is just take picture.
erm...i'm a bit angry with those form4 on duty person..they didn't so many thing but always say tired..need rest...don't want do..something like that...
there are only 3 form3 students on duty...the only person who i want to praise is Law Kean Sear.He do a lot of thing.I think he is better than many form 4 student.He is a quite good person.Other than that nobody that i can praise...only can scold...
erm...i'm a bit angry with those form4 on duty person..they didn't so many thing but always say tired..need rest...don't want do..something like that...
there are only 3 form3 students on duty...the only person who i want to praise is Law Kean Sear.He do a lot of thing.I think he is better than many form 4 student.He is a quite good person.Other than that nobody that i can praise...only can scold...
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Birthday Party is my so happy..go where also so lucky..^^
-go take fast come...
-can eat kfc with other^^
-can have a party with someperson who seldom go out with me^^
-can go out with somebody
-can go out with dd
-go home then play computer computer screen got red colour^^
-maplestory up liao 1 lv^^
see me so lucky^^
and i get a lot of present also..
i get those present:
-a clothes
-2 note book
-many cards...
-some greet..
-and other ^^
this is my first time to have a birthday party with other^^
-go take fast come...
-can eat kfc with other^^
-can have a party with someperson who seldom go out with me^^
-can go out with somebody
-can go out with dd
-go home then play computer computer screen got red colour^^
-maplestory up liao 1 lv^^
see me so lucky^^
and i get a lot of present also..
i get those present:
-a clothes
-2 note book
-many cards...
-some greet..
-and other ^^
this is my first time to have a birthday party with other^^
Friday, January 21, 2005
At morning,i wake up around 8.00 and go to school straigthly after i prepare all.When i reach there,i'm still the first person who reach the place first.I found that most of the people who go to Aik Meng's house like to late.KimHui is a person who 'menepati masa' .He is the only person who didn't late.After he reach,then AikMeng and XiaoYing come soon,they are also not late,but still late a few minute.This isn't important.
When we go to eat breakfast at 'HuaYun',i found that somebody isn't 'menepati janji' cause he tell someone who go to AikMeng's house, he will go but he is still sleeping and didn't come.I realy feel disappointed to him.If really don't want to come then just say don't want to come,i hate the one who tidak 'menepati janji'.
When we are working(drawing banner),i found that, drawing the banner isn't need too many people,then why should too many people go?the one who nothing to do is just wastig their time at there,just like KianMeng and KimHui,they are just sit there and cannot find anything to do.I'm so sorry because call KimHui go.But today we are just draw the banner and didn't finish draw it.We haven colour it yet.I think if colour need so many people so faster finish it,but tommorrow i need to do my homework,so i cannot go and help them,i'm so sorry about that.
After draw the banner,we go for lunch.I call my brother go out and eat with us.After having our lunch,Kimhui and KianMeng go home first,then we go to shopping at a supermarket.I found a chocolate that hui chi tell me she like to eat,then i buy one for her.Don't think so many,cause i just wanna to oppologise to her.Thank god because hui chi forgive me.
After shopping then KokLim and XiaoYing go home and ShiYun and AikMeng don't known go where.Me and my brother go to buy something then go to my brother's house.I saw Da Jun sleeping when i go and saw my brother's new bag.He is so cute when he was sleeping.I disturd him with a piece or pokemon thing to his nose,but there are no respon on him.He sleep like a pig already.Then i go to grownfloor again.Da xiang and me exchange our e-mail password and he gave me his maple story's id and password.I think i will use it when i'm free,to help him lvling.
Around 5.30,i go out from my brother's house and started walk to AikMeng's house.I wish to help them to continue it,cause i also a member of Student Union and i scare they cannot finish it before Monday.But,it's so unlucky .when i reach his house,i can't see anybody.Then the only thing that i can do is go home.
erm..about other,i think i no need to say here now.cause this is about today one.So, bye!
When we go to eat breakfast at 'HuaYun',i found that somebody isn't 'menepati janji' cause he tell someone who go to AikMeng's house, he will go but he is still sleeping and didn't come.I realy feel disappointed to him.If really don't want to come then just say don't want to come,i hate the one who tidak 'menepati janji'.
When we are working(drawing banner),i found that, drawing the banner isn't need too many people,then why should too many people go?the one who nothing to do is just wastig their time at there,just like KianMeng and KimHui,they are just sit there and cannot find anything to do.I'm so sorry because call KimHui go.But today we are just draw the banner and didn't finish draw it.We haven colour it yet.I think if colour need so many people so faster finish it,but tommorrow i need to do my homework,so i cannot go and help them,i'm so sorry about that.
After draw the banner,we go for lunch.I call my brother go out and eat with us.After having our lunch,Kimhui and KianMeng go home first,then we go to shopping at a supermarket.I found a chocolate that hui chi tell me she like to eat,then i buy one for her.Don't think so many,cause i just wanna to oppologise to her.Thank god because hui chi forgive me.
After shopping then KokLim and XiaoYing go home and ShiYun and AikMeng don't known go where.Me and my brother go to buy something then go to my brother's house.I saw Da Jun sleeping when i go and saw my brother's new bag.He is so cute when he was sleeping.I disturd him with a piece or pokemon thing to his nose,but there are no respon on him.He sleep like a pig already.Then i go to grownfloor again.Da xiang and me exchange our e-mail password and he gave me his maple story's id and password.I think i will use it when i'm free,to help him lvling.
Around 5.30,i go out from my brother's house and started walk to AikMeng's house.I wish to help them to continue it,cause i also a member of Student Union and i scare they cannot finish it before Monday.But,it's so unlucky .when i reach his house,i can't see anybody.Then the only thing that i can do is go home.
erm..about other,i think i no need to say here now.cause this is about today one.So, bye!
Friday, January 14, 2005
2nd week after school start
Well,I don't know how to say.This two week are so busy for me.
1st week,i was spend a lot of time to SPBT and only can study at friday.
At 2nd week,luckily i still can study for someday.but i still need to go to student union there to duty.It is too tired for this week.After duty still want to go to tuisyen,I never rest! I need to go to tuisyen for 4 day this week and the only day (Wednesday) i can rest but i still stay at school for duty (student Union).So i can say i back home after 5.00 everyday.
This week,i don't know how to say,i not at the class above half day perday.Not SPBT then is Student Union.So i have a lot of homework that need to copy from my classmate,the homework many until i can't sleep early everyday.What was teacher teach i also don't know,All my knowladge only can come from my tuisyen.sigh.I'm so pity.
Yesterday,was the last day of talking with Chee Chin Wei and Cheng Ling Fan.The reason of why i stop talking with them was because of Cheng Ling Fan.He warn me that don't talk to Chee Chin Wei.Before that ,i don't know the reason.But after that,when i know the answer,i still talking with Chee Chin Wei.I found that Cheng Ling Fan aren't so happy when he know i talk with Cheng Ling Fan.So i decide to stop talking with Chee Chin Wei because of the reason to give Cheng Ling Fan a small lesson.Before i stop talking with Chee Chin Wei,i have told him i will stop talking with him after today.Wish him will know the reason of why i stop talking with him and forgive my action.Well,just now he had told me no need too serious with Cheng Ling Fan.Well,he also serious with me too.I need to tell Jacky something at here,"I also have a serious face.." and also to Cheng Ling Fan,"nobody who like serious person if he are too serious to something that no need too serious" Wish them will get the message that i said.I want to repeat one time,this is just a lesson,not the true.I will continue to borther Jacky but not to Cheng Ling Fan as he didn't get my message.
Today,i heard a good news,Student Union( my society that give me feel that the member aren't discipline) the pihak atasan have change a lot,they start pay attention on discipline,i like it.
Today,our school was held an activity(Oriendtasi Day),Many Clubs and society invite the student of my school to join their society,so as my society(Student Union,KeyClub,Chinese Language Society,English Language Society).I go for duty for Student Union.I have invited many member into our society and I have joined a lot of society too,I have joined Kelab kewangan and Science Society and now i have eight society now.That is Student Union,SPBT,KeyClub,Chinese Language Society,English Language Society,Kelab Kewangan,Sciece Society and Sidang Rediaksi Majalah.I scare i will busy with my society until i can't focus my academy,so i will out some society.The society that i maybe will out is English Language Society and Chinese Language Society since i aren't so active in these society and never go to their activity.
By the way,I have decide to go to 'jing xuan' the student union's president chair and reject the SPBT president chair when AGM.For the main reason,I want to fight with somebody and don't let him easily get the president chair as i dislike him(well,i admit i'm a emotion person).Well,i have an idea for SPBT there.Firstly,i will suggest somebody to be the president of SPBT.That person should be very clear about what was SPBT done and what will SPBT done soon.Well,i wont leave SPBT first because i scare the new president will don't clear about what he should do soon and i need to pass up all the president thing to him.Well,i still don't have any suggestion person in my opinion.Chan Huan Yong,he is my bestfriend,but i think he isn't clear what was SPBT have done,so i can't give the place to him.About other pihak atasan for SPBT,i think they maybe will be the next president for other society or wish to be.So,maybe they wont accept my idea.For other SPBT member,i still can't comfirm who is the best suggestion for me.So,I will think later or let other people to think about it.Well,if i really done what i said up here,i'm sure some people (student or member) will dislike me soon,cause i suddenly reject the place and trying to win for the student union president chair.
Well,Student Union is the first society that i join and is the society that i most like.But at 2004/2005 year,the pihak atasan can't control the disiplin of its member.So that i feel dissappointed on it and cancel the feeling to 'jing xuan' the president chair.But what was happened today make me feel that this society still have a hope and change all my mind.So that i wish to back to Student Union and reject the SPBT president chair.
For the rejection to SPBT president chair and decide to 'jing xuan',this is because due reason:-
~Chong Wai Liang told me,actually i'm not the bakal president but is Tang Jun Hoe.The reason that they choose me is because i everytime also go to their activity and Tang Jun Hoe is the bakal president of Kelab Seni so that he can't do the another society's president if not he will be very busy.I don't like to be Substitute person for other people.
~Before this i'm still confuse that should i be the SPBT president or be the Student Union Timbalan Preisdent.Because as i known,our school Cocurikulum Teacher ,Pn.Law isn't allow student to do more about two society's president.So i don't know if i be the SPBT president,i still can go to 'jing xuan' or not.Cause if jing xuan,i scare they don't allow me to 'jing xuan' as i was the president of other society.
~My family aren't so take care about SPBT.My sister said,"SPBT only mar,you do the Student Union president baru geng.SPBT no use one."They want me to go to 'jing xuan' Student Union president chair because i have spend a lot of time for Student Union and I have joined Student Union since i study at Chong Hwa.
~i dislike somebody that just want to get the power of president and wont take care about the discipline since he isn't a good example for other member but is a bad example.I scare he will make Student Union become the worst society in school and is the worst discipline society.Student Union is the best society since i joined until 2004.But After 2004 until yesterday,above 70% member aren't discipline.Wish after today they will be more discipline.
Before this,i told all my friends,"I already become SPBT president,i don't want to go to 'jing xuan' liao,the Student Union now is become worse.I stay at SPBT enough liao."But now i have change my mind.Hope all people will accept my mind and forgive what will i done later.
1st week,i was spend a lot of time to SPBT and only can study at friday.
At 2nd week,luckily i still can study for someday.but i still need to go to student union there to duty.It is too tired for this week.After duty still want to go to tuisyen,I never rest! I need to go to tuisyen for 4 day this week and the only day (Wednesday) i can rest but i still stay at school for duty (student Union).So i can say i back home after 5.00 everyday.
This week,i don't know how to say,i not at the class above half day perday.Not SPBT then is Student Union.So i have a lot of homework that need to copy from my classmate,the homework many until i can't sleep early everyday.What was teacher teach i also don't know,All my knowladge only can come from my tuisyen.sigh.I'm so pity.
Yesterday,was the last day of talking with Chee Chin Wei and Cheng Ling Fan.The reason of why i stop talking with them was because of Cheng Ling Fan.He warn me that don't talk to Chee Chin Wei.Before that ,i don't know the reason.But after that,when i know the answer,i still talking with Chee Chin Wei.I found that Cheng Ling Fan aren't so happy when he know i talk with Cheng Ling Fan.So i decide to stop talking with Chee Chin Wei because of the reason to give Cheng Ling Fan a small lesson.Before i stop talking with Chee Chin Wei,i have told him i will stop talking with him after today.Wish him will know the reason of why i stop talking with him and forgive my action.Well,just now he had told me no need too serious with Cheng Ling Fan.Well,he also serious with me too.I need to tell Jacky something at here,"I also have a serious face.." and also to Cheng Ling Fan,"nobody who like serious person if he are too serious to something that no need too serious" Wish them will get the message that i said.I want to repeat one time,this is just a lesson,not the true.I will continue to borther Jacky but not to Cheng Ling Fan as he didn't get my message.
Today,i heard a good news,Student Union( my society that give me feel that the member aren't discipline) the pihak atasan have change a lot,they start pay attention on discipline,i like it.
Today,our school was held an activity(Oriendtasi Day),Many Clubs and society invite the student of my school to join their society,so as my society(Student Union,KeyClub,Chinese Language Society,English Language Society).I go for duty for Student Union.I have invited many member into our society and I have joined a lot of society too,I have joined Kelab kewangan and Science Society and now i have eight society now.That is Student Union,SPBT,KeyClub,Chinese Language Society,English Language Society,Kelab Kewangan,Sciece Society and Sidang Rediaksi Majalah.I scare i will busy with my society until i can't focus my academy,so i will out some society.The society that i maybe will out is English Language Society and Chinese Language Society since i aren't so active in these society and never go to their activity.
By the way,I have decide to go to 'jing xuan' the student union's president chair and reject the SPBT president chair when AGM.For the main reason,I want to fight with somebody and don't let him easily get the president chair as i dislike him(well,i admit i'm a emotion person).Well,i have an idea for SPBT there.Firstly,i will suggest somebody to be the president of SPBT.That person should be very clear about what was SPBT done and what will SPBT done soon.Well,i wont leave SPBT first because i scare the new president will don't clear about what he should do soon and i need to pass up all the president thing to him.Well,i still don't have any suggestion person in my opinion.Chan Huan Yong,he is my bestfriend,but i think he isn't clear what was SPBT have done,so i can't give the place to him.About other pihak atasan for SPBT,i think they maybe will be the next president for other society or wish to be.So,maybe they wont accept my idea.For other SPBT member,i still can't comfirm who is the best suggestion for me.So,I will think later or let other people to think about it.Well,if i really done what i said up here,i'm sure some people (student or member) will dislike me soon,cause i suddenly reject the place and trying to win for the student union president chair.
Well,Student Union is the first society that i join and is the society that i most like.But at 2004/2005 year,the pihak atasan can't control the disiplin of its member.So that i feel dissappointed on it and cancel the feeling to 'jing xuan' the president chair.But what was happened today make me feel that this society still have a hope and change all my mind.So that i wish to back to Student Union and reject the SPBT president chair.
For the rejection to SPBT president chair and decide to 'jing xuan',this is because due reason:-
~Chong Wai Liang told me,actually i'm not the bakal president but is Tang Jun Hoe.The reason that they choose me is because i everytime also go to their activity and Tang Jun Hoe is the bakal president of Kelab Seni so that he can't do the another society's president if not he will be very busy.I don't like to be Substitute person for other people.
~Before this i'm still confuse that should i be the SPBT president or be the Student Union Timbalan Preisdent.Because as i known,our school Cocurikulum Teacher ,Pn.Law isn't allow student to do more about two society's president.So i don't know if i be the SPBT president,i still can go to 'jing xuan' or not.Cause if jing xuan,i scare they don't allow me to 'jing xuan' as i was the president of other society.
~My family aren't so take care about SPBT.My sister said,"SPBT only mar,you do the Student Union president baru geng.SPBT no use one."They want me to go to 'jing xuan' Student Union president chair because i have spend a lot of time for Student Union and I have joined Student Union since i study at Chong Hwa.
~i dislike somebody that just want to get the power of president and wont take care about the discipline since he isn't a good example for other member but is a bad example.I scare he will make Student Union become the worst society in school and is the worst discipline society.Student Union is the best society since i joined until 2004.But After 2004 until yesterday,above 70% member aren't discipline.Wish after today they will be more discipline.
Before this,i told all my friends,"I already become SPBT president,i don't want to go to 'jing xuan' liao,the Student Union now is become worse.I stay at SPBT enough liao."But now i have change my mind.Hope all people will accept my mind and forgive what will i done later.
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Year 2005 1st post
erm.long time didn't post anything at my blog.I pass my December holiday with maple story( a type of online game ).
After School Open,i found that my classroom is 4S3.actually i want to study at 4S3 because it is at front and got 4S2 and 4S1 accompany 4S3.But many of my friend study at 4S4 and's pity..cause i can't find them easily.but after assembly,Pn.Soong tell student 4S1 will be change classroom with 3U so now only 4s2 accompany us.It's so sad,but at least still have a class accompany us.
Since School Open until thrusday,i didn't go to my classroom to study because i have to go to duty for SPBT for whole days.I also forget which day,our president tell us,i maybe will be the next president for SPBT,and other AJK also will be the pihak atasan for this year.I don't know what is the my feeling at that time,cause i never think i will be the next president before this.I'm confuse either i accept it of reject it.Before this,i have plan to be 'timbalan' president of student union because of student union's disiplin is bad.But now i accept it,because i found that many student want to be president of student union,and some of them is full-confidence.So,maybe i will continue my mind to be 'timbalan' president of student union because of my sister support and my brother's support.I start to take the president's job since thrusday.I found that many of SPBT's member aren't so coperate with me,they always said,'i want to study,i want back class',or sit at there and talking with other.But luckily still have some member still coperate with me.I'm unhappy with those member who didn't coperate with me,because in my opinion,they aren't only a member of SPBT,but they also is president of SPBT,we are same.President Chair aren't so easy to sit.At Friday,i SPBT member no need to duty,same as me.But i'm quite busy to sending the 'rayuan' forms to my friend and count the books.It make me lost some time for recess time and lesson.I'm still care about the books that i count either it correct or not,because i'm running out of the time when i'm counting the books and i maybe will count wrong,i should count it carefully but i didn't.I'm so sad about my attitude at that time.
Since i duty for SPBT for whole days,i can't stay at classrrom and study.So i need to borrow my friend's book to copy and i need to go to tuisyen if i don't want my academy become worse.I decide tuisyen at SURIA since next monday,wish i can learn something from there.
Today,i didn't do any homework at home,i only play maple story and check about the new diceforum.About the diceforum,I like it's template.
I will be seldom online recently because i'm quite busy recently .Maybe I will online a few time each week only.Wish you all will forgive me about that.
After School Open,i found that my classroom is 4S3.actually i want to study at 4S3 because it is at front and got 4S2 and 4S1 accompany 4S3.But many of my friend study at 4S4 and's pity..cause i can't find them easily.but after assembly,Pn.Soong tell student 4S1 will be change classroom with 3U so now only 4s2 accompany us.It's so sad,but at least still have a class accompany us.
Since School Open until thrusday,i didn't go to my classroom to study because i have to go to duty for SPBT for whole days.I also forget which day,our president tell us,i maybe will be the next president for SPBT,and other AJK also will be the pihak atasan for this year.I don't know what is the my feeling at that time,cause i never think i will be the next president before this.I'm confuse either i accept it of reject it.Before this,i have plan to be 'timbalan' president of student union because of student union's disiplin is bad.But now i accept it,because i found that many student want to be president of student union,and some of them is full-confidence.So,maybe i will continue my mind to be 'timbalan' president of student union because of my sister support and my brother's support.I start to take the president's job since thrusday.I found that many of SPBT's member aren't so coperate with me,they always said,'i want to study,i want back class',or sit at there and talking with other.But luckily still have some member still coperate with me.I'm unhappy with those member who didn't coperate with me,because in my opinion,they aren't only a member of SPBT,but they also is president of SPBT,we are same.President Chair aren't so easy to sit.At Friday,i SPBT member no need to duty,same as me.But i'm quite busy to sending the 'rayuan' forms to my friend and count the books.It make me lost some time for recess time and lesson.I'm still care about the books that i count either it correct or not,because i'm running out of the time when i'm counting the books and i maybe will count wrong,i should count it carefully but i didn't.I'm so sad about my attitude at that time.
Since i duty for SPBT for whole days,i can't stay at classrrom and study.So i need to borrow my friend's book to copy and i need to go to tuisyen if i don't want my academy become worse.I decide tuisyen at SURIA since next monday,wish i can learn something from there.
Today,i didn't do any homework at home,i only play maple story and check about the new diceforum.About the diceforum,I like it's template.
I will be seldom online recently because i'm quite busy recently .Maybe I will online a few time each week only.Wish you all will forgive me about that.
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